Welcome to Sapphire Law Group

We are committed to making the trust administration process streamlined, convenient and less overwhelming.

Our trust administration matters are divided into five distinct phases following the Trust Review Appointment: (1) Opening Administration, (2) Notices and Transfers, (3) Marshaling Assets, (4) Accounting and Distributions, and (5) End of Administration.

To provide certainty to our clients, and allow us to lead you through the trust administration process without fear that you are “on the clock” with each question or additional task, our trust administration matters are almost always handled on a fixed-fee basis.

Use the following links for an overview of each Phase of the Trust Administration Process. We invite you to come back to this page as often as may be needed during the Trust Administration Process as may be needed to feel informed and oriented toward the progress and status of the administration that we will be leading you through.

Finally, please keep in mind that there are many types of trust and many reasons to administer a trust. This particular process applies to the administration of a trust after the death of either: (1) the only or single settlor/grantor/trustor, or (2) the surviving or second settlor/grantor/trustor.